1 Trybe: A Non-profit Charity Fund
This is a Charity Fund mobile app screen. This is done in the platform for a contest.
There is a lot of fun and curiosity created during doing this great project.
This app is donation apps for nonprofits. As the charity firm or the nonprofit organizations that are collecting money from people to spend them for the welfare of mankind, they feel the importance of a proper management system. And this management needs to be very simple and smart whether the admin or the member of that organization don't feel any problem to make send money and get proper confirmation.
Features of this App:
Now what we can get from that app-
- From this charity app, we can see the regular updates of charity fund
- There is a nice designed home-news-feed page
- One can read the news and also share in the different social online platforms.
- There is a secure, smart login system. After providing the correct information one can get access of that app.
- There is a smart notification section like other popular social media apps.
- From general to premium account shifting facility.
- Smart Calendar which shows the upcoming events of the charity fund.
- One can Save the event and share the event with there desired people.
- Like the other popular social media apps there is also Follow, followers, and following options.
- Finally, the app is tried to design very much user friendly to use and get the proper benefit.
Profile Page:
The Profile page includes the whole control of the app.
Here the charity members' personal information based on the projects fully can be expressed. On the other side the number of followers, following, and attended events can be known just in a single view. If someone wants to follow him can easily click on the follow button and start following. Also the notification, events, feed buttons are available here.
Charity Feed Page:
This page basically the charity feed page like any other social media (such as - Facebook feed page). If one wants to see the other people's activity, going any updates or others' feelings. One can share his / her feelings here. Also can share a post through the different social media platforms.
Event Page:
The event page includes featured events, Running events, and upcoming events. If someone wants to interested to go to the events or want to invite someone all are available here.
Best Way to Collect Donation:
The app is focused on the simplicity and promptness of doing its main task: collecting donations.
Here the key points are following below:
- Secure profile information.
- Support from the admin panel
- Every user must sign up for the charity membership.
- Provide the notification for the specific period to the member.
- Attending the events to be inspired and donate more.
- All information of the Charity member will be connected with the fund main Account for instant donation.
As all of these terms are included from the initial designing, it will be very fruitful and credible to all to donate in the charity fund. Also for the admin to collect donations, call a meeting, ensure the member's unity.
Font Style:
According to charity fund characteristics, the color and font style needs to be very simple and easy to understand in front of all classes of people. So here I have tried to apply one of the most widely used cool font - #Calibri - bold by matching the title. In the inner description, the #Franklin Gothik - Medium has been used.
When we look at the app screen, we find that the title and description are very much clean and comfortable to read.
Color Theory & Clients Requirement:
Mainly, the project app based on the-
#White and
#Black Color.
I have used the background and Primary color as a Tilt Color.
Color Code:
Here we know that the tilt color is used for energetic, cool, youth, and rejuvenating color. Also, the app is a source of uniqueness, work for mankind, holding energy to help others. So one can use this for any kind of charity or nonprofit organization theme color. They can also hold there logo by presenting through this tilt color.
Below we see that White, Black, and Tilt color have been used to make the app decoration. And the tilt here is a primary color.
In some cases using hover the tilt on white color works very well. It is also noted that for the premium button, I have used the gradient color to make the button and options more eye-catchy to the viewers or users.
Dashboard Functionality:
The total donations apps for nonprofit is based on a nice dashboard. Its functionality includes - user interests, event list, Notification, Charity feed, invite friends options, deposit, volunteer activity, and view your entrances options.
Menu Bar: The menu bar includes very fast navigation options. These buttons are - Home, My Profile, Event, Notification, and Setting.
My Interest: This option holds a page where the user can find all of his likes feed or interest options on one screen. H can add or delete that interest. Anyone can also get informed about his/ her interest.
Event list: The event list first row places the featured events. Then all the upcoming events. Here events can be interested in react or invite both can be done by the users.
Notifications: This is as usual the notifications system like the social media or e-commerce app.
Charity Feed: Charity feed will hold all the latest information to the past information comparatively shown in front of the user when he will scroll.
Invite Friends: This option is generally created to invite friends to be a member of the charity fund.
Deposit: This is one of the most important options for this app. All the procedures of payment/donation will be decorated to a specific page. This is the deposit page. Without any problem, one can contribute with a single moment in the charity fund.
Volunteer Now: If anyone wants to be a volunteer to work for mankind through being an active member of this charity fund, can join from here.
View Your Entrance: Generally one can leave or it can be performed through this option.
However, this is a cool app to collect donations and a great platform for people to work for mankind.
Here my all trial is to make the User Usability to the app to be smooth that they can be interested to perform engaged themself more such kind of mankind activity. On the other side, the task of Admin will also be easier to control over the whole app.
"After all, this was an amazing Ui / Ux Designing experience for me.
As this is a project of Charity Fund
I have tried to give my full concentration on it.
Though I have finally not won this project, I think this #Freelancing Contest
give me good experience by performing these projects."
"Thanks, visitors to make a happy visiting
on my Clixource shot."
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